Hey everyone! 👋
Today I thought I'd show off a couple new features we've released today for the TPT2 Workshop as well as some plans for the future...
Firstly, we're currently trialling a brand new menu system with what we call "mega menus" which will appear when you hover over the Blueprints, Forum or Tools buttons at the top of the screen

This experiment allows you to more easily navigate around the workshop whilst still keeping the amount of text / buttons at the top of the screen as low as possible

I'd love to hear what you think of this brand new feature down in the comments of this post!
In addition to this we've also introduced the new Achievements page which you can find right here

This feature is currently in BETA while we iron out some of the kinks with this including getting all the many many posts and videos created for each and every achievement in Theme Park Tycoon 2. Until then however, there's still a couple of guides written so far which you can check out over there!
Finally you'll have already noticed but theres a new bar at the top of the screen with some basic information for newcomers to the site including some info on current events such as Theme Park Tycoon 2 updating and news as well as new features of the workshop
I still have a lot more ideas for the Theme Park Tycoon 2 Workshop including (as you can see in the megamenus) a hub for creators to share decals both for in-game shops and brands but also for tutorials and more, a merch store for TPT2 creators and TPT2 Workshop merch, the fully fledged and well kept wiki Theme Park Tycoon 2 deserves and much more!!
For now though, I hope you enjoy these new features and I look forward to hopefully announcing a huge new event for the TPT2 workshop sometime soon 👀
Until then, thanks for reading and have an amazing day!

Written By: Kosii
Owner & Creator
A siwtch button for language. Eng, ger,fr, ect
Sounds like a sold plan!
Am running into issues where i cant post comments or reviews on some workshop items
If it's possible maybe add a light and dark mode? (Even though I don't know who would want a light mode.)
Please let us know here in the comments what you think of these new BETA features and if there's anything you'd like to see changed with them!