Creator Spotlight is the exclusive club for content creators and prolific builders within the Theme Park Tycoon 2 community! With benefits such as your very own creator spotlight page, resource hub and faster submission reviewal times, there's tons to be excited about. Oh, and did I mention its completely free?

Spotlight Page
Get your very own creator spotlight page to show off all your blueprints in one convenient place allowing you to share all your incredible blueprints to your fans and friends easily!
Priority Reviewal
Exclusive Role
Sick of waiting for your blueprints to be accepted? Creator Spotlight gives you the power to get your blueprints up quicker and in time for your videos without any hassle at all!

Show off your super exclusive content creator role as a member of the Creator Spotlight club in blueprint comments, forum posts, forum comments and your Theme Park Tycoon 2 Workshop acccount!
Resource Hub
Get your very own resource hub perfect for sharing decals and other resources that you've created
outside of blueprints to your fans or friends all for completely free!

Due to just how much time it takes us to provide all these services for completely free there are some requirements to join the Creator Spotlight program to ensure we're targeting the right people!
For Content Creators
Your main Youtube channel you're applying with must have at least 100 subscribers
If you're applying as a Youtuber Creator you must have posted a TPT2 video in the past 28 days
Don't worry if you aren't a content creator - You can also apply as a prolific builder!
Public Blueprints
As a Content Creator you must have 1 public blueprint or 10 public blueprints as a Builder