In this guide you will learn how to firstly create a brand new blueprint in Theme Park Tycoon 2 and then how to make it public so your friends can use it along with sharing it to the Theme Park Tycoon 2 workshop (that's here!)
If you prefer to learn this in a video format feel free to use the official TPT2 Workshop tutorial video above. Otherwise, let's get into it!
Creating a blueprint
Firstly, we must create the blueprint inside of TPT2. To do this simply click on the roller coaster or ride you'd like to save the blueprint under and click the "Save ride design" button located under the "Ride" tab (you may have to scroll a bit to find it)
Upon clicking this, you will enter the blueprint creation mode. Here you can toggle between three different selection modes which allow you to select up to 1000 (sometimes less depending on track length) scenery pieces to be added into your blueprint
If you are creating a blueprint solely for a prop, tree or anything like that the only way to save your blueprint is using a roller coaster, tracked ride or flat ride. It is recommended for you to simple place no more than 2 station pieces on any roller coaster or tracked dark ride so you can use the entire 1000 part limit
Once you've selected every scenery part you'd like to include, click the big tick button located at the bottom of your screen. You can also exit out of this mode at any time by using the cross button
Customizing Your Icon
Next up you'll get the "Save design" menu popup in the centre of your screen. This UI allows you to customize the icon assigned to your blueprint upon saving it. This is important as it's how you'll recognise your blueprint in the menus of TPT2 and how it will look to other players before they place it in their own parks
You can use the Zoom in, Zoom out and Rorate buttons along with the 4 directional arrows around the icon preview to adjust your icon until you are happy. If you'd like to reset your icon to the recommended one created by TPT2 at any time, hit the Reset button
Before finally saving your ride design, you'll need to allow TPT2 to verify your icon which make take a few seconds. You could receive an error in this section if you are showing too much or too little of your blueprint in the icon. Adjust your icon using the controls described previously until the game allows it
Once you're happy with your icon, you can save the blueprint by hitting the "Save design" button. If you'd like to cancel saving the blueprint, hit the "Cancel" button
You'll get a popup on your screen reading "The design has been saved." if your blueprint has saved correctly
Using Your Blueprint
To use the blueprint you just created or any other blueprint head back to the roller coaster, tracked ride or flat ride you just saved the blueprint under and click on it. This will open a large UI where you are able to choose both the rides skin and the design that you'd like to use
Scroll through the "Select a design" menu until you find the blueprint you'd like to use or customize and click on it to place it anywhere in your park. From here you can also see the rides ID, it's creator along with options to configure the design or delete it
Making Your Blueprint Public
Now you have saved your very own blueprint you can make it public for other players to use! To begin doing this, head to the blueprint you'd like to make public and hit the "Configure" design button
This will open a popup where you can see information including the blueprints Design-ID (a unique code used to share blueprints with other players) along with it's visibility / current state (private meaning it's not usable by other players and public meaning it can be used by other players) and its estimated amount of uses. Along with this, you'll see two toggle buttons under the tabs "Allow this design to be used via its ID" and "Allow this design to be featured". Here is what both of these do and mean:
Allow this design to be used via its ID
This toggle button allows you to determine whether or not you'd like other players to have access to your blueprint via its Design-ID. This means that players will be able to build it in their own theme parks with just the Design-ID and ride used!
Please keep in mind that it can take up to 24 hours (or in rare cases even longer) for blueprints to go public for others to use due to it needing to be processed and moderated before being usable by others
Allow this design to be featured
This toggle button allows you to determine whether or not you'd like Den_S (the creator of Theme Park Tycoon 2) to have the ability to feature your blueprint in-game on the list of blueprints for that particular ride. It also allows the design to be used for promotional material for Theme Park Tycoon 2
Sharing Your Blueprint
If you'd like your friends or other players to be able to use the blueprints you created, you first need to ensure they are public. Once the "Current state" section displays that the blueprint is public, you can share the Design-ID to any player you'd like along with the roller coaster, tracked ride or flat ride you used to save the blueprint. These are the only two bits of information the player requires to use your blueprint for themselves!
Submit Your Blueprint to the TPT2 Workshop!
The Theme Park Tycoon 2 workshop works thanks to the amazing builders and creators in the TPT2 community like you who share their blueprints for thousands of other players to use in their park. It's free, you get all the credit and we do all the boring behind the scenes work!
If you want to submit your blueprint to the TPT2 workshop, you can do so super easily by clicking right HERE!
Here's a step by step guide on how to submit your blueprint to the TPT2 workshop:
Ensure your blueprint has been set to public
Select the Design-ID by highlighting it or by clicking the "Select" button in the "Configure design" menu (accessed by the "Configure design" button
Copy the Design-ID by holding CTRL+C / CMD+C or by holding down and copying the ID on mobile or tablet
Head to the submit page of the TPT2 workshop by hitting "Submit" at the top of the screen or by heading to
Scroll down until you see the "Time to Submit" header and three buttons. Unless you have a Workshop Pro subscription or are a spotlighted creator (and have a Creator Spotlight page) you just need to click the "Regular Submissions" button
If you haven't already, you will be prompted to create a free account or log in if you are already a member of the TPT2 workshop. You are now required to have an account to submit blueprints and cannot do so without signing up for an account
After hitting the appropriate button (and making sure you're signed in) you'll be taken to the submission form
Fill out every required box carefully, making sure you don't get anything wrong so that we can review your submission as quickly and easily as possible
Once everything is in and ready, hit the Submit button at the bottom!
From there, we will work our magic in approximately 5-50 days for regular submissions, 3-10 days for creator spotlight and 1-5 days for Workshop Pro members. We don't accept every single blueprint that is submitted however and each blueprint is subjected to quality checks to make sure your blueprint works and is of a high quality!
Why Has My Blueprint Not Been Added?
If there's something wrong with your blueprint we will NOT contact you unless it is something out of your control that needs resolving on our end or with Den_S. This includes if your blueprint has not been made public!
If your blueprint has not been added to the site within 50 days of you submitting it, we have unfortunately made the decision to not add it to our ever growing collection of blueprints. This is typically due to it not being high quality enough or because we were unable to load it in-game. If you think your blueprint is higher quality than a majority of the blueprints currently on the workshop, try resubmitting it (after making sure it is definitely working and public) and we might have better luck next time around!
Need Some Help?
We have an amazing community on our forums who will try to help their best with any questions you may have about creating or uploading blueprints in Theme Park Tycoon 2. You can create a help post detailing the issues you're having in the help forums by clicking HERE!
If you don't manage to work out what's wrong there, you can also contact us at although we can't promise we will get back to you as we receive a LOT of emails!

Written By: Kosii
Owner & Creator