Hey y'all! This summer, I've been building in my sandbox park (complete with an underground money farm) and recording them online via My Theme Park Tycoon 2 Buildlog on my personal website. I've decided to share some of my "Disabled Collision" builds in their state as of this writing.
First off, the first build I ever recorded on my Buildlog, a Green Hill Zone ride! As a Sonic the Hedgehog fan, why not? I'm proud of how pretty it looks!

Here are the props I made for the Green Hill Zone ride so far:

You may be wondering, "Why is there no palm tree and why aren't these props submitted as blueprints?" (The ride itself has too many parts.) Well, I got stuck on the palm tree--I didn't know how to fit in the last piece of the trunk without having gaps. If you can help me, please reply with your advice!

The second build I'm gonna show is a WIP Sonic the Hedgehog prop. I could've completed this already if ellipsoid primitives that were manipulatable as cuboids were added!

(Legs were made thinner after this screenshot was taken.)
Here's some concept art of the Sonic prop:

(Yeah, I'm a good artist.)
Thanks for checking this post out! Please leave any replies, as long as they are respectful and constructive.
Can someone please explain to me how to make a money farm? I look at his money and see $15M, mine doesn't give me enough
this is amazing, as a big fan of Sonic The Hedgehog, I'd say this is the best thing I've seen on this website so far
those are real good!
Looking nice! Really amazing sketches of the Sonic prop there! Wish I could draw concept art as good as that 😯