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Cobra's Curse

by Seebeleonard500

Design ID:

Blueprint ID 1: RD-174-350-985-814

Blueprint ID 2: RD-126-996-597-885


Blueprint Information:

Ride Used

Price To Build

Gamepasses Used:

How To Use:

The easiest way to load in blueprints is to simply copy the Design ID above and paste it into the Theme Park Tycoon 2 search bar! Using this technique, TPT2 will find the ride used and load it in automatically for you



This blueprint uses multiple ID's due to blueprint limitations in Theme Park Tycoon 2. To use this blueprint, follow these steps:

  1. Place the first ID using the Beyond-Vertical Drop Coaster first

  2. Next, place the second ID using the Beyond-Vertical Drop Coaster lined up with the previous blueprint


5 kommenttia

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Lisää arvio
Landon Powell
30. tammik.

can u make the florida cobras curse


quirijn nool
quirijn nool
22. tammik.
Arvostelun tähtimäärä: 5/5

for those who dont know you also need ride operations


Dude Oof
20. tammik.
Arvostelun tähtimäärä: 4/5